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These privacy policies (hereinafter, the "Privacy Policies") complement the "Terms and Conditions" (both, jointly, the "Terms and Conditions"), corresponding to the Application or Platform managed by Bidbit S.A. CUIT 30-71758186-1 (hereinafter, “BIDBIT”). Capitalized terms not defined in this document are defined in the Terms and Conditions.

These Privacy Policies will have enforcement from their acceptance by the Data Owner (as defined below) and will be in force for the term that arises from the Terms and Conditions and from what is provided herein. Additionally, these Privacy Policies are subject to modifications and/or updates, so we urge you to keep them updated.

As a normal part of our general activities, we collect and, in some cases, disclose information about our Users, Allied Merchants and other merchants (hereinafter, "Data Holders"). These Privacy Policies describe the information that BIDBIT collects about Data Subjects and what can be done with such information. This policy is very detailed because it is important that all Data Holders who access our Application are aware of BIDBIT's practices as precisely as possible. By registering in the Application and linking with BIDBIT, the Data Subject gives his consent for the use of his personal information (hereinafter, the "Personal Information") in accordance with the policies described herein.

The privacy of the information of the Data Holders is very important to BIDBIT. For this reason, precautions are taken to protect your information, using the most complete and effective mechanisms and programs of information protection.

FIRST: Rights of access, cancellation, and rectification of Personal Information

1.1. The Data Holders may exercise the rights to access, cancel and update their Personal Information, including their e-mail address, as well as to oppose the treatment of the same and to be informed of the assignments and/or international transfers of the Personal Information carried out, all in accordance with the provisions of the applicable regulations. As established in article 14, paragraph 3 of Law No. 25,326, the Data Holder has the power to exercise the right of access to them within 10 (ten) calendar days from the accreditation of their identity, in free of charge at intervals of no less than six months, unless a legitimate interest is accredited for that purpose. Likewise, the Data Holder has the right to have the personal data of which they are the owner be rectified, updated and -when appropriate- deleted or submitted to confidentiality, within 5 (five) business days of accrediting their identity and required the measure in question. Bear in mind that the withdrawal or deletion request will not proceed when there is a legal obligation to preserve the data. Occasionally it may take us longer if your request is particularly complex or if you have made multiple requests. In this case, we will send you a notice and keep it updated.

1.2. The Data Holders guarantee and are responsible, in any case, for the veracity, accuracy, validity and authenticity of the Personal Information provided, and undertake to keep it duly updated. BIDBIT does not guarantee the Data Holders the accuracy of the data provided by the rest of the Data Holders. This does not prevent BIDBIT's obligation to rectify, update or delete incorrect data and other obligations provided in Law No. 25,326 and what is provided herein.

1.3. Once registered in BIDBIT, the Data Holder may review and change the information that has been sent to BIDBIT during the registration process, including:

  • The username and email address. Notwithstanding the changes you make, BIDBIT will retain the above Personal Information for security and fraud control purposes.
  • Registration information such as: address, city, region, zip code, primary phone number, secondary phone number, email, etc.
  • The key

1.4. BIDBIT will keep the Personal Information of the Data Holders for a period of ten (10) years in order to resolve disputes or claims, detect problems or incidents and solve them, and comply with the provisions of the Terms and Conditions, as well as to comply with its legal obligations. This, without prejudice to the fulfillment of their duty of deletion prior to the referred period, if applicable, ex officio or at the request of a party in the terms of articles 4 and 16 of Law No. 25,326.

1.5. It is reported that THE AGENCY OF ACCESS TO PUBLIC INFORMATION, in its capacity as Control Authority of Law No. 25,326, has the power to deal with complaints and claims filed by those who are affected in their rights due to non-compliance with the regulations in force in personal data protection matter.

1.6. THE AGENCY FOR ACCESS TO PUBLIC INFORMATION is located at Av. Pte. Gral. Julio A. Roca 710, 3rd floor, Autonomous City of Buenos Aires, and its email address is [email protected].

SECOND: Personal Information

2.1. In order to use the Application, Data Holders must register, providing certain complete and accurate personal data. BIDBIT may request, collect and store the following personal information: nickname or pseudonym (name of Data Holder) to operate on the BIDBIT site, name and surname, document number or valid identification, physical contact information (such as telephone number, phone, address, e-mail address, etc.). BIDBIT may confirm the Personal Information provided by going to public entities, specialized companies or risk centers, for which the Data Holder hereby expressly authorizes it. The information that BIDBIT obtains from these entities will be treated confidentially.

2.2. The Data Holder that registers in the Application, expressly consents that BIDBIT has access, at any time, to all the information contained in his Account, including in particular, but without limitation, his Personal Information, information about his interests, likes, contacts and any other content hosted in your Account. It is expressly established that the data collected by BIDBIT at no time will exceed the scope and purpose for which they were obtained, in accordance with art. 4 of Law No. 25,326.

2.3. In addition to the above, it is also reported that when the Data Holder uses the Application, data is stored on our servers to enable the connection and for security reasons. This data may include the name of your Internet service provider, the websites that refer the Data Holder to the Application and the websites that the User visits from the Application, their IP (Internet Protocol) address, the date and duration of your visits to the Application, etc. BIDBIT uses technologies such as cookies or similar to analyze trends, manage the Application and, in general, to collect demographic information about Data Subjects. In addition, it uses cookies in the shopping cart, to remember the settings of a Data Holder's website, for authentication processes and for other similar processes. If the Data Subject rejects cookies, they may continue to use the Application, but their ability to use some areas or features of the Application may be limited.

THIRD: Use of Personal Information

3.1. For efficient use of the Application and so that the Data Holders can use it quickly and easily, BIDBIT requires certain personal information, including e-mail address. The collection of information makes it possible to offer Data Holders functionalities that best suit their needs. The Personal Information that is collected has the following purposes:

(i) Develop internal studies on the interests, behaviors and demographics of Data Holders to better understand their needs and interests and offer better services or provide them with related information.

(ii) Send information or messages by e-mail about advertising or promotions, notifications, of interest to our Data Holders, news about BIDBIT. If the Data Holder prefers, they can request to be excluded from the lists for sending promotional or advertising information, by sending an email to [[email protected]]. Likewise, you can access through your user profile and request the exclusion of notifications through the Application.

(iii) Send information or notices by short text messages (SMS) to the cell phone provided by the Data Holder to BIDBIT. The short text messages may contain (without being limited to) information about the Application's functionalities, which may include personal passwords for its use and reminders of payment due dates and other obligations acquired in said context.

3.2. BIDBIT may share Personal Information (including e-mail address) with the rest of the Users, Clients, as well as with service providers or "outsourcing" companies or with companies with whom BIDBIT has a collaborative commercial relationship or alliance, that contribute to improve or facilitate operations through BIDBIT. BIDBIT will ensure that certain standards are met, by signing agreements or conventions which purpose is the privacy of the personal data of the Data Holders.

3.3. The Data Holder acknowledges and accepts that BIDBIT may disclose, transmit or share Personal Information with third parties that are service providers or companies allied, affiliated or related to BIDBIT. In other words, BIDBIT may transmit data at a national or international level to clients and/or suppliers with whom BIDBIT develops activities in compliance with its corporate purpose. Likewise, a transfer may be made to the company's strategic allies to carry out marketing, advertising and promotional activities associated with its corporate purpose. All this in accordance with the provisions of Argentine law.

FOURTH: Confidentiality of Personal Information

4.1. Once registered in the Application, BIDBIT will not sell, rent, or share Personal Information except in the ways established in these Privacy Policies. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Data Holder expressly consents to BIDBIT transferring all or part of the Personal Information to any of the companies controlled, controlling and/or linked to BIDBIT, under any title and at the time, manner and conditions that deems pertinent. Likewise, you authorize BIDBIT from now on to transfer your Personal Information in the event of the sale or transfer of all or part of our company or our assets (including cases of restructuring, dissolution, or liquidation).

4.2. BIDBIT will do everything possible to protect the privacy of Personal Information. Notwithstanding the foregoing, as established in clause 7 hereof, it may happen that, by virtue of judicial or administrative orders, or legal regulations, BIDBIT is obliged to disclose Personal Information to the competent authorities or third parties under certain circumstances.

FIFTH: Personal Key

5.1. To access to the services reserved only for duly registered Data Holders, the Data Holders will have a personal password. The Data Holders must keep this key under absolute confidentiality and, in any event, must they reveal it or share it with other people.

5.2. The Data Holder will be responsible for all acts that take place through the use of their name of Data Holder and password, which includes taking charge of the payment of the fees that eventually accrue or for the damages that others may suffer for this reason. If, for any reason, a Data Holder believes that someone may know his password, he must modify it by entering the modification option provided for this purpose in the Application.

SIXTH: Minors

6.1. The Application is addressed exclusively to individuals with legal capacity to contract. Therefore, the entry, permanence and/or use of minors under 18 (eighteen) years of age is restricted. Notwithstanding the foregoing, BIDBIT reserves the right to verify, by the means it deems most appropriate, the actual age of any Data Holder.

6.2. On suspicion that a Data Holder of the Application is under 18 (eighteen) years of age, and that he has falsified the data required for access, BIDBIT may deny the aforementioned access to the Application.

SEVENTH: Legal Requirements

7.1. BIDBIT will cooperate with the competent authorities and with other third parties to guarantee compliance with the laws, for example, regarding the protection of industrial and intellectual property rights, fraud prevention and other matters.

7.2. BIDBIT may disclose the Personal Information of the Data Holders by legal obligation or at the request of the competent judicial or governmental authorities for the purposes of investigations conducted by them, or for example (and without limitation to this assumption) in the case of investigations of criminal nature or fraud or those related to computer hacking or copyright violation, or to any activity that may be illegal or that may expose BIDBIT or the Data Holders to any legal responsibility. In such situations, BIDBIT will collaborate with the competent authorities in order to safeguard the integrity and security of the community and that of its Data Holders. In every case, before a request for information requested by the authorities, BIDBIT will require the corresponding notification duly signed by a judge and/or competent authority. In no case will BIDBIT provide Personal Information of the Data Holders by virtue of information requirements that are excessive and/or do not comply with the corresponding legal requirements.

7.3. In addition, BIDBIT reserves the right (and the Data Holders expressly authorize it) to communicate information to entities or third parties when there are sufficient reasons to consider that the activity of a Data Holder is suspected of attempting or committing a crime or trying to harm other people. This right will be used by BIDBIT to maintain the integrity and security of the community and that of its Data Holders, to enforce the Terms and Conditions and other policies of the site and in order to cooperate with the execution and compliance of the law. This right will be exercised by BIDBIT although there is no judicial or administrative order to that effect.

7.4. BIDBIT will do everything possible to protect the privacy of Personal Information an

EIGHTH: Security and Storage of Personal Information

8.1. BIDBIT is obliged to comply with all applicable regulations regarding to security measures applicable to Personal Information. Additionally, BIDBIT will use industry standards for the protection of the confidentiality of your Personal Information, including, among other measures, firewalls (“firewalls”) and Secure Socket Layers (“SSL”). BIDBIT considers the Personal Information of the Data Holders as an asset that must be protected from any loss or unauthorized access. To this end, BIDBIT uses various security techniques to protect such data from unauthorized access by Data Holders inside or outside the company. Notwithstanding the foregoing, considering that the Internet is an open system, with public access, BIDBIT cannot guarantee that unauthorized third parties may eventually overcome security measures and misuse Personal Information.

8.2. All the information we receive about you is stored on secure servers and we have implemented adequate and necessary technical and organizational measures to protect your personal data. BIDBIT continually assesses the security of its network and the adequacy of its internal information security program designed to (a) help keep your data secure in the event of accidental or unlawful loss, access or disclosure; (b) identify reasonably foreseeable risks to the security of the BIDBIT network; and (c) minimize security risks through risk assessments and regular checks.

8.3. The Data HOLDER knows and expressly accepts that BIDBIT, at its sole discretion, collects, stores and eventually monitors the exchange of messages and emails between its Data Holders, through the BIDBIT Application, with the aim of contributing to the security of the relationships and communications that are developed through the Application.

8.4. Therefore, BIDBIT is not responsible for illegal interceptions or violation of its systems or databases by unauthorized persons. BIDBIT is not responsible for the improper use of the information obtained by these means.

8.5. All the personal data of the Data Holders will be stored in a file or automated personal data support. The file or support of personal data of the Holders of the BIDIBIT data resides in the Argentine Republic.

NINTH: Change in e-mail preferences

9.1. Notwithstanding that BIDBIT wants to keep the Data Holders always updated on promotions, news, changes, etc., Data Holders can select the emails and promotional information they would like to receive from BIDBIT.

9.2. If the Data Holder does not want to receive said emails, he may cancel his subscription by changing his preferences in the email following the instructions that BIDBIT provides in its communications or by accessing his Account. In this section, the Data Owner may select the preferences so that they are taken into account by BIDBIT in future communications or by sending their preferences by mail to the postal address indicated in these Privacy Policies: [[email protected]].

TENTH: Linked Sites

10.1. The Application may contain links and/or references to other applications or websites, which does not indicate that they are owned or operated by BIDBIT. The installation of these links or references in the Application is limited to facilitating the Data Holder the search and access to the information available there. By virtue of the fact that BIDBIT has no control over such sites, BIDBIT will NOT be responsible for the contents, materials, actions and/or services provided by them, nor for damages or losses caused to the Data Holders or to third parties due to the use of themselves. The presence of links to other applications or websites does not imply a partnership, relationship, approval and/or endorsement of BIDBIT to said platforms or sites and their contents.

ELEVENTH: Modification of the Privacy Policies

11.1. BIDBIT may modify these Privacy Policies at any time by making the modified Privacy Policies public in the Application. All modified terms will enter into force 10 (ten) calendar days from their publication. In case of disagreement regarding such modifications, the Holder must notify BIDBIT of his NO acceptance, by sending an email to [[email protected]] from his email address registered in the Application within 10 (ten) calendar days following the publication of the modifications introduced, in which case your Account will be terminated and your relationship with BIDBIT will be considered terminated, having the Holder to previously comply with any pending obligation with BIDBIT, the Allied Merchants or any other third party. Once the aforementioned period has expired without expressing their disagreement with the new Privacy Policies, it will be considered that the Holder accepts them, and the parties will continue to be bound according to said terms.

TWELFTH: Contact

12.1. To make any query, claim and/or request regarding your Personal Information, you can do so by entering the Application; sending us an email to [[email protected]] from the email address registered in your Account; or by postal mail to Maipú 939, Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Chatea con Bidbit ☺